The goal of the 5th INTERNATIONAL HOMEBREWERS’ COMPETITION – HUNGARY, from now on competition – is to promote homebrewing beer and provide the opportunity for the “Youth of March” to meet in person.
Based on last year’s experiences and keeping long-term professionalism in mind, the event will be a club event. Further information with more details later at competition.elsosor.hu.
The organizers will cover all arising costs of the competition from entry fees and donations, so we kindly appreciate any financial, physical and intellectual assistance. The main organizer of the competition is the FIRST HUNGARIAN HOMEBREWING ASSOCIATION with the co-operation of other co-organizers – from now on organizers.
- The deadline for entering the competition is the 28th of February 2016.
- You are only allowed to enter with beers that were brewed with homebrewing equipment and that are not commercially available.
- Each contestant is only allowed to enter one beer per category. This is also valid for those who brew in groups.
- You can enter in the following categories (we are announcing the categories based on the BJCP2008 guidelines):
- Schwarzbier (4C)
- Mild (11A)
- American IPA (14B)
- Roggenbier (15D)
- Classic smoked beer (22A)
- Belgian Strong Ale (18)
- Gose (BJCP2015: 27 Historical Beer)
- Guerrilla beers (any BJCP category)
- The judgment of the beers will be at the proper consuming temperature matching their categories and in line with the BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program), so according to the international standard. Next year we will change to BJCP 2015, where the translation will be made.
- Unfortunately we won’t be able to judge any beer that don’t fit into their category, regardless of how good they are.
- We established the categories based on a preliminary survey with the intention of having popular beer styles among them but keep the lineup diverse enough, so we left out the styles that are similar to each other. Nevertheless we would like to announce a lesser known and even more seldom brewed beer type in our country every year, which will be the Gose this year. It’s particular description can be found in the BJCP2015 book. We hope that many of you will also tackle this challenge.
- This year, we announce a category for the second time that might need long maturation, therefore by the time of the announcement it might be hard to brew a “competition beer” according to it. Therefore we guarantee that it will be on our list for 3 years allowing you to have a long time for maturation. This category will be the Belgian Strong Ale. The category will be judged every year with the currently entered beers.
- With category 6 we only added the main BJCP category so don’t forget to provide the subcategory as well when entering. That’s important because the individual subcategories differ significantly, thus providing the appropriate category can affect the judging.
- Motivated by last year’s experiences we’ll also announce the “guerrilla” category this year. It’s a (by the time of the competition) commercially available beer of a former (or current) homebrewer who doesn’t own a brewery therefore brewed it in a legally operated brewery as a guest. For this group we don’t define a category, the contestant has to provide it. The entered beers will be judged regarding their category and the beer with the highest score will be the winner. One contestant is allowed to enter three beers maximum.
- Categorizing the beers is the contestant’s duty and responsibility. You can only expect supporting help at most from our association in categorizing. Even if you are not skilled in the given category, you still have lots of time until the competition to develop the winning recipe.
- You should provide the organizers with each of the entered beers in either three 0.5l bottles or five 0.33l bottles between 29th of February and 10th of March 2016. If any extra need please contact prior with hazisorverseny@elsosor.com.
- Submitted beers can only be marked with a label attached to the bottle with a rubber band which are printed from the program on competition.elsosor.hu. We will only accept beers with these labels. Please put the labels on the neck of the bottle, if possible, as it is more safely remains attached to the bottle.
- We will have to disqualify those beers that will have the label glued, won’t have the label attached with a rubber band with the above mentioned form or will have ambiguous information on the label.
- Besides the cap and the bottle there should be no other distinguishing mark. If this criteria is not satisfied, we can’t let the beer participate in the competition.
- If there won’t be at least 5 entries in a category, we have the right to revoke it.
The beer that gets the most points in a category will be the gold medalist, the second will be the silver medalist and the third will be the bronze medalist.
Note: if there are too many beers entered in a category, then we will separate them into multiple judging rounds (flights). The best performers of the individual rounds will challenge each other again in a final round (mini BOS). This round’s first ranked will be the gold medalist, the second will be the silver medalist and the third will be the bronze medalist. So it is possible that the beer that gets the most points won’t win first prize.
The best beer of the competition – the grand champion – will be the beer that gets the most points in the final round among the category winners. The grand champion will have the right to wear the title “Best homebrewer of the year in Hungary” for a year. The brewer of the country’s best beer will receive a perpetual trophy onto which we will engrave the winner’s name and the current year. By this the winner will get the title “Best homebrewer of Hungary 2016”. If he/she will brew the beer commercially, then the winner has the right to print the logo on the beer label. This right is also granted to those who finish at the second and third place. The terms for using the logo will be defined in a separate contract.
- As the entry fee we can accept donations. Based on the organizers’ preliminary calculation the entry fee will be 1400 HUF per entered beer, which roughly covers our expenses. Members of our association will get a 50% discount for their entries. Entry fee for category 8 is 8000 HUF per beer.
The competition will be held in Budapest, at Legenda Sörfőzde Center (H1163 Budapest, Kövirózsa utca 8/c). More detailed information about the competition can be found on the regularly updated page competition.elsosor.hu. You can send your questions regarding to the competition to the hazisorverseny@elsosor.hu email address.
– The organizers