Here you’ll find the results divided into categories. The pictures are self-explanatory, only the American IPA category needs explanation. Due to the large number of entries in this category, scoring was done in two separate groups. According to the rules of BJCP, we had to form a scoring committee to judge the top three beers.
The scoring committee compared the best three beers from the two categories and determined the final ranking regardless of the scores obtained from the first round.
So the final sorted by category:
1. 14 – Távoli Galakszis – Zoltán Róth
2. 21 – Cannonball IPA – Olivér Csesznek
3. 34 – Hopbiterate Anniversary IPA – Maros Hajduk (SK)
This year’s best home-brewing denominator in Hungary:

Zoltán Róth’s Távoli Galakszis called American IPA beer.
We’ll scan the score sheets and send them to pre-registered participants. Please bear in mind that we need to process a large number of papers.



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