On 15th March, 2013 The II. International Homebrewers Competition – Hungary will be held, organized by The First Hungarian Homebrewers Association (Elsősör).
Terms and conditions
The aim of The II. International Homebrewers Competition – Hungary (hereinafter competition) is to propagate homebrewing and provide opportunity for homebrewers to meet in person.
- In 2013 the competition will be international for the first time, providing opportunity also for brewers outside of Hungary to take part and test their beers.
As the competition is a non-profit program, all organization costs will be covered by the nomination fees. The main organizer of the competition is the First Hungarian Homebrewers Association (hereinafter organizer).
- Closing date for nominations is 1st March, 2013.
- The nominated beers shall only be made by homebrewers appliances and shall not be commercially available.
- One homebrewer shall nominate only one beer in one category. It is true for companion brewers as well.
- Beers shall be nominated in the categories as follows (categories are based on the US BJCP system):
- Düsseldorf Altbier (7C)
- English pale ale (8C)
- Brown porter (12A)
- Dry Stout (13A)
- American IPA (14B)
- German Wheat beer (15A)
- Dark strong Belgian ale (18E)
- Fruit beer (20)
- Beers will be judged at the temperature suited for the category and in accordance with BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program). Style guidelines are available at www.bjcp.org. Much to our regret, beers not meeting the requirements of the category will not be judged.
- The categories announced are based on preliminary survey. To avoid having similar categories, beer styles have been picked, which are popular and fairly differ from each other. In addition, organizers aim to choose a less known and less popular style every year from now on, which will be Düsseldorf Altbier in 2013. Hopefully many brewers will meet this challenge successfully.
- Each beer shall be categorized by the brewer for his own responsibility. The Association will provide assistance on request. If you are still not familiar with the styles, organizers believe that there is plenty of time to practice and brew the winner beer until the competition.
- Beers shall be delivered to the organizer till 12th March, 2013 at the latest. The total volume shall be 1.5 litres, either in two bottles of 0.75 l or three bottles of 0.5 l, or five bottles of 0.33 l, or any combination of the above mentioned.
- The nominated beers shall be labeled properly, with the following details written in capital letters on them: Name of brewer, name of beer, alcohol content (V/V%).
Beers without proper labeling will be excluded from the competition. - If there is not enough nomination in a category, organizers reserve the right to withdraw the category.
In each category beers ranked first, second and third will be rewarded. The beer receiving the highest score among the category winners will be the absolute winner of the competition. Its brewer will be entitled to bear the title of “The best homebrewer of the year in Hungary”. The brewer of the best beer will get a cup, on which the name and the year will be engraved and can be kept for a whole year together with the title “Hungary’s best homebrewer 2013”.
- The nomination fee – which will be handled as donation – will be 1000 HUF for the first beer and 300 HUF for every additional one.
The competition will be held in Budapest. Further information will be available at www.elsosor.hu. Should you have any questions, please contact hazisorverseny@elsosor.hu. Organizers reserve the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.
Elérhetőség: email: info@elsosor.hu