A 2017-es verseny kategóriáit a szavazás alapján határoztuk meg és egészítettük ki egy érdekességgel.
BJCP 2008 szerint
– 18 Belga erős ale (harmadik és utolsó év)
BJCP 2015 szerint
– 21B IPA spec.- Speciális IPA
– 24C Bier de Garde –
– 31A. Alternative Grain Beer – Alternatív alapanyagú sörök
– 23A. Berliner Weisse –
– (külön leírás szerint) Kuytbier,
Gerilla sörök (minden BJCP 2015 kategória szerint)
B. Subcategory: Dutch-Style Kuyt Beer Dutch Kuyts are gold to copper colored ale. Chill haze and other haze is allowable. The overall aroma character of this beer is grain emphasized with a grainy-bready accent. Hop aroma is very low to low from noble hops or other traditional European varieties. The distinctive character comes from use of minimum 45% oat malt, minimum 20% wheat malt and the remainder pale malt. Hop flavor is very low to low from noble or other traditional European varieties. Hop bitterness is medium-low to medium in perceived intensity. Esters may be present at low levels. Very low levels of diacetyl are acceptable. Acidity and sweet corn-like DMS (dimethylsulfide) should not be perceived. Body is low to medium. This style of beer was popular in the Netherlands from 1400-1550. Original Gravity (°Plato) 1.050-1.080 (12.4-19.3 °Plato) • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) 1.006-1.015 (1.5-3.7 °Plato) • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.8%-6.3% (4.7%-7.9%) • Bitterness (IBU) 25-35 • Color SRM (EBC) 5-12.5 (10-25 EBC)